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刘米利 博士

2024年06月19日    杨焱勋      阅读次数:[]

刘米利,女,1992年,中共党员,理学博士。2016-2022年,于西北大学攻读硕士、博士学位。2023年1月起在太阳成集团任教。发表相关论文12篇,其中以第一作者在Journal of Systematics and Evolution、Heredity、International Journal of Molecular Sciences等期刊发表论文6篇(TOP期刊2篇),主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,陕西省教育厅项目1项,参与国家级、省级项目等5项。参与出版《陕西靖边药用植物图鉴》




1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:西北荒漠区细枝岩黄耆群体时空进化机理研究. (32300324), 2024-2026. 主持

2. 陕西省教育厅2023年度重点科学研究计划项目:陕北采煤沉陷区酸枣生态修复模式研究与示范. (23JS067), 2023-2025. 主持

3. 太阳成集团高层次人才科研启动基金,中国西北干旱荒漠区细枝岩黄耆物种分化的谱系地理学研究. (2023GK49), 2023-2026. 主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:珍稀濒危白皮松组植物物种分化的生物地理学模式研究. (31970359), 2020-2023. 参与

5. 陕西省科技厅重点产业创新链项目:黄河流域(陕西段)生物多样性保护与监测技术研究. (2022ZDLSF06-02)2021-2024. 参与

6. 青海省科技厅科技成果转化专项项目:羌活GAP高效栽培技术集成示范. (2020-NK-117), 2020-2022. 参与

7. 第四次全国中药资源普查项目陕西省靖边县中药资源普查专项. (203131900019), 2019-2023. 参与

8. 第四次全国中药资源普查项目陕西省清涧县中药资源普查专项. (203130015), 2018-2022. 参与

9. 第四次全国中药资源普查项目:陕西省高陵县中药资源普查专项(203132000030), 2020-2023. 参与


1. Mi-Li Liu#, Qian-Han Shang#, Yan-Jun Cheng, Na Wang, Wei Sa, Bao-Guo Li, Zhong-Hu Li*. Drivers of intraspecific differentiation of an alpine cold-tolerant herb, Notopterygium oviforme: roles of isolation by distance and ecological factors. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1111/jse.12844 (SCI一区, IF=4.10)

2. Mi-Li Liu #, Yan-Ling He #, Jordi López-Pujol, Yun Jia, Zhong-Hu Li*. Complex population evolutionary history of four cold-tolerant Notopterygium herb species in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent areas. Heredity, 2019. 123: 242–263. (SCI二区, IF=3.82)

3. Mi-Li Liu#, Wei-Bing Fan#, Ning Wang, Peng-Bin Dong, Ting-Ting Zhang, Ming Yue, Zhong-Hu Li*. Evolutionary analysis of plastid genomes of seven Lonicera L. species: implications for sequence divergence and phylogenetic relationships. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2018, 19: 4039. (SCI二区, IF=5.92)

4. Mi-Li Liu, Hong-Yuan Sun, Xin Jiang, Tong Zhou, Qi-Jing Zhang, Ya-Ni Zhang, Jian-Ni Liu, Zhong-Hu Li. Simulation and Prediction of the Potential Geographical Distribution of Acer cordatum Pax in Different Climate Scenarios. Forests, 2022, 13(9). (SCI二区, IF=2.90)

5.Mi-Li Liu, Ji-Qing Bai, Wan-Lin Dong, Ruo-Nan Wang, Peng-Bin Dong, Ning Wang, Hong-Yan Liu, Min-Feng Fang. Characterization of the whole plastid genome sequence of Abies chensiensis (Pinaceae), an endangered endemic conifer in China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2018, 3(2), 1141-1142. (SCI, IF=0.50)

6. Mi-Li Liu, Wei-Bing Fan, Ying Wu, Ying-Juan Wang, Zhong-Hu Li. The complete nucleotide sequence of chloroplast genome of Euphorbia kansui (Euphorbiaceae), an endemic herb in China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2018, 3(2), 831-832. (SCI, IF=0.50)

7. Yun Jia, Mi-Li Liu, Lopez-Pujol Jordi, Jia Rui-Wen, Yi-Xuan Kou, Ming Yue, Tian-Xia Guan, Zhong-Hu Li. The hybridization origin of the Chinese endemic herb genus Notopterygium (Apiaceae): Evidence from population genomics and ecological niche analysis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2023, 182. (SCI一区, IF=4.10)

8. Yun Jia, Mi-Li Liu, Ming Yue, Zhe Zhao, Gui-Fang Zhao, Zhong-Hu Li*. Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals adaptive evolution of Notopterygium incisum and Notopterygium franchetii, two high-alpine herbal species endemic to China. Molecules, 2017, 22: 1158. (SCI三区, IF=4.41)

9. Khurram Shahzad, Mi-Li Liu, Yu-He Zhao, Ting-Ting Zhang, Jian-Ni Liu, Zhong-Hu Li*. Evolutionary history of endangered and relict tree species Dipteronia sinensis in response to geological and climatic events in the Qinling Mountains and adjacent areas. Ecology and Evolution, 2020, 00: 1-15. (SCI二区, IF=2.91)

10. Yun Jia, Ji-Qing Bai, Mi-Li Liu, Zhen-Fang Jiang, Yan Wu, Min-Feng Fang, Zhong-Hu Li*. Transcriptome analysis of the endangered Notopterygium incisum: Cold-tolerance gene discovery and identification of EST-SSR and SNP markers. Plant Diversity. 2019, 41: 1-6. (SCI二区,IF=1.196)

11. Peng-Bin Dong#, Ruo-Nan Wang#, Nawal Afzal#, Mi-Li Liu, Ming Yue, Jian-Ni Liu, Jiang-Li Tan*, Zhong-Hu Li*. Phylogenetic relationships and molecular evolution of woody forest tree family Aceraceae based on plastid phylogenomics and nuclear gene variations. Genomics, 2021,113: 2365-2376. (SCI二区, IF=5.74)

12. Zi-dong Su, Xiao-juan Huang, Qiu-yi Zhong, Mi-li Liu, Xiao-yu Song, Jian-ni Liu, Ai-gen Fu, Jiang-li Tan, Yi-xuan Kou, Zhong-Hu Li*. Change of Potential Distribution Area of a Forest Tree Acer davidii in East Asia under the Context of Climate Oscillations. Forests, 2021, 12: 689. (SCI, IF=2.90)

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